GABRIEL DELTA – A new world?
Now on the eighth record of his long career, the new Gabriel Delta is a powerful trio with Daniele Mignone and Paolo Baltaro. The sound is now made of a full range of Blues Rock influences, looking beyond any stereotype. The arrangements are full of unexpected moods and the bass get distorted more than often. This disc is the collection of the best takes taken from rehearsal recordings for the new concert that the group will offer in the upcoming A New World tour. The sessions took place throughout 2021 and recorded with vintage equipment (Adat XP and mixes performed in an analog environment). The resulting sound underlines the spontaneity and freshness of live performances, without substantial subsequent overdubs. These songs are joined by three others recorded in the studio, in the same period: the shooting of Killer System was recorded at the C.P.M. in Milan, while Lady Madonna and Earth Song was recorded at Banksville Records in London. A New World? is a utopia that brings back the philosophy of the blues to the original freedom instances.
Con questo nuovo
album, Gabriel Delta svolta con un power trio insieme a Daniele Mignone
al basso e Paolo Baltaro alla batteria. Il nuovo sound e' contenuto in
"A New World?", la nuova collezione di brani della band del chitarrista
argentino, rivolti a
descrivere un mondo in cambiamento che pare non funzionare piu'. A new
world?, appunto, e' una utopia che vuole riportare la filosofia della
musica al suo ruolo di strumento di emancipazione. Le sessioni si sono svolte in tutto il 2021 e registrate con strumentazione vintage (Adat XP e mix effettuati in ambiente analogico).Pertanto il suono che ne deriva sottolinea la spontaneita' e la freschezza delle esecuzioni live, senza sostanziali overdubs successivi. A questi brani se ne uniscono altri tre registrati in studio, nellostesso periodo: le riprese di Killer System sono state effettuare presso il C.P.M. di Milano, mentre Lady Madonna ed Earth Song provengono dagli studi Banksville Records di Londra.
Killer System (Delta Baltaro Mignone) – Video Earth Song (M. Jackson) - Youtube song only
CONTACTS: gabrieldelta(at) – Banksville Records – Pkmp Communication Ltd. banksvillerecords(at)
MEDIA: - - instagram : -
The Banksville Records Company- Pkmp Communications Ltd. - London 22-24 Dean Street W1D 3RY |